Top 9 Benefits of Social Media Marketing in 2024

Anmol Dhongadi in Digital Marketing Jul 24 8 min

Have you ever wondered how some businesses become popular so quickly? The answer is often social media marketing. Imagine being able to reach millions of people with just a few clicks! That’s the power of social media. Whether you have a small business or a big company, using social media can help you grow and stay ahead of your competition.

Social media is now a big part of our lives and a key part of any successful marketing plan. It can help you in many ways, like making more people aware of your brand and increasing your sales. Let’s look at the top nine benefits of social media marketing in 2024 and why you should use it for your business.

  • Increased Brand Awareness
  • Cost-Effective Marketing
  • Improved Customer Engagement
  • Measurability
  • Enhanced Customer Insights
  • Higher Conversion Rates
  • Increased Website Traffic
  • Building Brand Authority
  • Competitive Advantage

Increased Brand Awareness

One of the top benefits of social media marketing is that it helps increase brand awareness by allowing businesses to reach a large number of people quickly and easily. Some 68% of consumers say the primary reason they follow a brand on social media is to stay informed about new products or services, according to The Sprout Social Index. When you share posts, images, and videos about your products or services on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, more people see and learn about your brand. Engaging with users through likes, comments, and shares also spreads your message further. The more people see your brand, the more they recognize it, making them more likely to remember and choose your products or services in the future.

Chumbak, a quirky Indian brand known for its contemporary souvenirs. They weren’t just another shop selling trinkets. On Instagram, they showcased their products in fun and creative ways, often with a focus on everyday life situations relatable to their target audience. They also excelled at user-generated content, running a viral coffee cup campaign where customers shared photos using their Chumbak cups. This two-pronged approach, eye-catching content and embracing their community helped Chumbak build a strong online presence and establish themselves as a brand that resonated with their customers.

Cost-Effective Marketing

Social media marketing is a cost-effective strategy because it is much cheaper than traditional marketing methods like TV ads, radio spots, or print advertisements. Creating a social media account is free, and even paid advertising on platforms like Facebook or Instagram is often less expensive than other forms of advertising. Social media ads typically have a lower Cost Per Impression compared to traditional channels like television or print media, making them more cost-effective for reaching a larger audience. With social media, you can set your own budget and reach a large audience without spending a lot of money. This makes it a great option for small businesses or anyone looking to get the most out of their marketing budget. Plus, you can see immediate results and adjust your strategy quickly if needed, which helps save money in the long run.


Pepperfry, a thriving online furniture store in India. They mastered the art of organic social media growth, ditching expensive ad campaigns. What’s their secret? High-quality content! Pepperfry catered to their audience’s desires with posts showcasing stylish furniture for different budgets and spaces. They didn’t just sell either, they offered valuable decor tips, home improvement hacks, and even collaborated with influencers for virtual home tours. By fostering a community through active interaction and user-generated content contests, Pepperfry’s social media presence blossomed into a trusted source for home decor inspiration. This organic strategy translated to a fantastic ROI, proving social media success doesn’t require an ad budget.

Improved Customer Engagement

Social media platforms make it easy for businesses to interact directly with their customers. When you post on social media, customers can comment, like, and share your posts. They can also send you messages and ask questions. This direct interaction helps build a strong relationship with your customers. It allows you to respond quickly to their needs and feedback, making them feel valued and heard. Engaging with customers in this way can also help create a loyal community around your brand, as people appreciate the personal connection and are more likely to trust and support your business. According to PwC, 1 in 3 customers will leave a brand they love after just one bad experience, while 92% would completely abandon a company after two or three negative interactions.

Air India, India’s national carrier, is a perfect example of how Twitter/ any other social media platform can boost customer engagement and loyalty. By not following the typical airline approach, Air India actively interacts with customers on Twitter, often with a friendly touch. What is it? Their personalized help! They don’t send generic messages, instead, they acknowledge each tweet and offer solutions, be it fixing a booking issue or explaining baggage allowance. Plus, real-time support. Their dedicated social media team quickly responds to questions and concerns, showing customers they’re valued and their problems matter. This personalized approach paired with speedy support has transformed Air India’s Twitter presence, fostering a more positive brand image. With customers appreciating their helpfulness, Air India is rising to new heights in customer satisfaction and loyalty, proving social media’s power for airlines to connect and build stronger relationships.


Social media marketing allows you to precisely track and measure how well your campaigns are doing. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter provide detailed insights and analytics, showing you how many people saw your posts, liked them, shared them, and clicked on your links. You can also see information about your audience, like their age, location, and interests. This helps you understand what works and what doesn’t, so you can improve your strategy. Being able to measure everything means you can see the real impact of your efforts and make better decisions to achieve your marketing goals.

Myntra is an example of how social media analytics can refine marketing strategies. They use data to truly understand their audience. By tracking conversations on social media, Myntra discovers trending styles, preferred brands, and customer pain points. This allows them to tailor content that resonates with their audience’s interests, like showcasing trendy pieces or offering styling tips. This data-driven approach means Myntra delivers highly targeted content, leading to increased engagement, brand loyalty, and ultimately, a sales boost.

Enhanced Customer Insights

Social media provides valuable insights into what your customers like and how they behave. By looking at the comments, likes, shares, and other interactions on your posts, you can learn what types of content your audience enjoys the most. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram also offer analytics tools that show you detailed information about your followers, such as their age, gender, location, and interests. This helps you understand who your customers are and what they want. With this information, you can create better products, improve your services, and tailor your marketing efforts to meet your customer’s needs more effectively.

Tanishq, a renowned Indian jewelry brand, is a great example of using social media insights to refine its product offerings. By closely monitoring social media conversations, they identified a growing demand for lightweight, everyday wear jewelry. Through analyzing trends and customer feedback, Tanishq launched its ‘Everyday Gold’ collection, catering to this specific need. This data-driven approach not only expanded their customer base but also solidified Tanishq’s position as a brand that understands and responds to its customers’ evolving desires.

Higher Conversion Rates

High conversion rates is one of the benefits of social media marketing, which means turning visitors into customers. When people see your products or services on social media, they can easily click on links to learn more or make a purchase. Social media also helps build trust and credibility, as customers can see reviews, comments, and real-life photos from other users. This makes them more likely to buy from you. Additionally, targeted ads can reach people who are already interested in what you offer, increasing the chances they will take action. All these factors combined help boost your sales and grow your business.

Flipkart’s Big Billion Day sale is a prime example of a campaign that skyrocketed conversion rates through targeted social media ads. By leveraging detailed customer data and advanced targeting options, Flipkart crafted highly personalized ad campaigns. These ads showcased products tailored to individual preferences, creating a sense of urgency with limited-time offers and exclusive deals. This laser-focused approach resulted in a surge of conversions, proving the immense power of targeted social media advertising in driving sales.

Studies show that businesses leveraging social media platforms often experience a significant uplift in conversions. This shows that there is an average increase in conversion rates after implementing a social media strategy. This can be attributed to factors like increased brand visibility, targeted advertising, and stronger customer relationships fostered through social media engagement.

Increased Website Traffic

Social media helps drive traffic to business websites by making it easy for people to find and click on links to your site. When you share posts, images, or videos about your products or services, you can include links that direct followers to your website. Engaging content encourages people to visit your site to learn more or make a purchase. Additionally, social media ads can target specific audiences, bringing more interested visitors to your website. The more traffic your site gets, the better your chances of converting visitors into customers, which helps your business grow.

Nykaa, India’s leading beauty and fashion platform, is a shining example of leveraging social media to boost website traffic. By creating engaging and shareable content, they’ve managed to capture the attention of millions. Their clever use of Instagram, for instance, with stunning product visuals and behind-the-scenes glimpses, has driven a massive influx of visitors to their website. Additionally, their influencer collaborations and user-generated content campaigns have significantly contributed to this traffic surge. Nykaa’s success story highlights the power of social media in turning online buzz into real website visitors.

Social media significantly boosts website traffic. Studies show that businesses can experience an increase in website traffic by up to 31% from social media sources alone. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter drive large volumes of visitors to websites through shared posts, ads, and direct links, making social media an essential tool for increasing online visibility and engagement.

Building Brand Authority

Consistently sharing valuable content on social media helps establish your brand as an authority in your industry. When you post helpful tips, informative articles, and engaging videos regularly, people start to see you as a trusted source of information. This builds your credibility and makes customers more likely to trust your products or services. By answering questions, responding to comments, and engaging with your audience, you show that you are knowledgeable and reliable. Over time, this consistent presence helps your brand stand out as a leader, encouraging more people to follow, trust, and buy from you.

Ritesh Agarwal, founder of OYO Rooms, is a prime example of building a strong personal brand on LinkedIn. He effectively leverages the platform to share his entrepreneurial journey, industry insights, and company milestones. By consistently sharing valuable content and engaging with his followers, Ritesh has positioned himself as a thought leader in the hospitality industry. His LinkedIn profile has become a go-to resource for aspiring entrepreneurs and industry professionals alike, solidifying his influence and authority.

Building brand authority on social media is evident through follower growth and engagement rates. For instance, businesses that consistently share valuable content can see a 50% increase in followers within six months. Additionally, higher engagement rates, such as likes, comments, and shares, indicate stronger brand authority, with top brands experiencing engagement rates of up to 5% per post. These statistics show that an active and consistent social media presence can significantly enhance a brand’s authority and credibility.

Competitive Advantage

Leveraging social media can give a business a competitive edge by helping it stand out from competitors. By being active on social media, you can reach customers faster and more effectively than businesses that rely only on traditional marketing. You can showcase your unique products or services, share positive customer reviews, and respond quickly to questions and feedback. This immediate and direct interaction builds stronger relationships with your audience. Additionally, staying updated on trends and engaging with your audience allows you to adapt quickly to changes in the market, keeping you ahead of competitors who are slower to respond.

Swiggy, India’s leading food delivery platform, has successfully leveraged social media to gain a competitive edge. They’ve mastered the art of engaging with customers on platforms like Twitter, promptly addressing concerns, and turning negative experiences into positive ones. This focus on exceptional customer service, coupled with witty and relatable social media campaigns, has earned Swiggy a loyal customer base and a reputation as a brand that truly cares. In contrast, competitors who may have lagged in this area have found it challenging to match Swiggy’s level of customer satisfaction and engagement.

Data shows that businesses using social media marketing see a significant boost in market share and sales. For example, companies that actively engage in social media marketing can experience a 20% increase in market share within a year. Additionally, businesses report up to a 50% increase in sales figures after implementing social media strategies compared to their performance before. This data highlights how leveraging social media can give businesses a substantial competitive advantage in their industry.

In conclusion, social media marketing offers many benefits for businesses in 2024. It increases brand awareness, is cost-effective, improves customer engagement, and allows precise tracking of campaign performance. Social media also provides valuable customer insights, drives higher conversion rates, increases website traffic, builds brand authority, and gives a competitive advantage. By leveraging these benefits, businesses can effectively reach and engage their audience, making social media marketing an essential part of modern business strategies.

If you want to learn social media marketing and boost your career, enroll in the Content and Social Media Launchpad Program by Kraftshala. With a placement rate of 94%, Kraftshala ensures you get a great job. If you don’t secure a job with a minimum salary of INR 4.5LPA, they will refund 60% of your fees. Take this opportunity to master social media marketing and advance your career with Kraftshala!